PHILIPPINES WEB DESIGN – SEO – Hosting – Website Design

WordPress Web Design

WordPress Web Design and Web Development

We design, develop and manage WordPress websites. WordPress was traditionally a blog system, but lately it’s become a full simple CMS-like system we love to work with WordPress. It’s perfect for the many types of small business or any organization that wants to easily edit their own website. The PcCebu website blog is powered by WordPress.

Our prices for a Custom WordPress blog including free domain and hosting for up to 1 year starts at 999$

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Our WordPress Designs include the following Web Design Services:

WordPress Web Design and Web Development

All starting at 999$


  • Custom Designed WordPress package Includes:
  • Custom Made Design with your choice of colors
  • Search engine submission, up to 10 major search engines Foreign and domestic.
  • Targeted researched SEO, W3C proper tagging and coding
  • Free Tracking & Hit counter
  • Up to 10 plug-ins Configured
  • Up to 50 link backs including link exchange marketing.
  • Page design up to 10 pages!

After your web site is complete, you will easily be able to make changes and updates yourself to your new website. Everything from writing news articles, uploading photos, adding pages, changing prices, or adding gallery’s to your website. This can be done quickly and easily through the one admin panel and no special software is required.

WordPress is highly customizable and works seamlessly with online shops, e-newsletters, photo galleries, video galleries, Twitter feeds and more…My WordPress Sites are also optimized for Google Yahoo Bing and many other search engines assuring you high rankings in all search engines. WordPress is also PDA compatible which means that your customers can easily see your site in any Cell Phone or IPhone. This is a great platform to generate loads of traffic to your site with little effort.